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Meaning of Term : The repeated occurrence of ghostly or paranormal activity in a particular physical location. A haunting may consist of odd sounds such as disembodies voices, footsteps, music, banging or moaning; cold spots, flashes of light, unexplained shadows, and unpleasant odors often characterize this phenomenon, as well.



Main Entry:   

alien abduction




a purported experience in which a person claims to have been taken away by Extraterrestrial, Spirtual 

and Physical beings.





Spirit possession is a paranormal or supernatural event in which it is said that animas, demons, extraterrestrials, gods, spirits, or other disincarnate entities take control of a human body, resulting in noticeable changes in health and/or behavior. The term can also describe a similar action of taking residence in an inanimate object, possibly giving it animation.

The concept of spiritual possession exists in many religions, including Christianity, Buddhism, Haitian Vodou, Wicca, and Southeast Asian and African traditions.[1] Depending on the cultural context in which it is found, possession may be considered voluntary or involuntary and may be considered to have beneficial or detrimental effects.

Spirit possession is cross-culturally more common among women than men.

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